Interview With Sadahiro Nakamura

TRANSIT GENERAL OFFICE (トランジットジェネラルオフィス) 中村貞裕が語る仕事術

Interview With Sadahiro Nakamura
Interview With Sadahiro Nakamura

TRANSIT GENERAL OFFICE (トランジットジェネラルオフィス) 中村貞裕が語る仕事術

Interview With Sadahiro Nakamura

「ファッション、建築、音楽、デザイン、アート、食をコンテンツに遊び場を創造する」をコンセプトに掲げ、日本だけでなく海外でも高く評価される TRANSIT GENERAL OFFICE (トランジットジェネラルオフィス)。カフェレストラン、ケータリング、ホテル、レジデンス、オフィスのブランディングプロデュースから運営までと多岐にわたる空間を手がけ、昨今でも、オーストラリアの朝食の人気店「bills(ビルズ)」に、世界最大級のレンタルオフィス「the SOHO (ザ・ソーホー)」、複合シェア施設「the SHARE (ザ・シェア)」、発信型シェアオフィス「PORTAL POINT (ポータルポイント)」、「渋谷ヒカリエ」の上層階に構える、銀座「アロマフレスカ」の原田慎次シェフがフードプロデュースを行う「THE THEATRE TABLE (シアターテーブル)」などが話題を呼んだ。こうして常にメディアと顧客を魅了し、確実に満足させる空間を作り出すトレンド仕掛人、TRANSIT GENERAL OFFICE 代表・中村貞裕氏に話を聞いた。

*You’ll find the English text after the Japanese.

「ファッション、建築、音楽、デザイン、アート、食をコンテンツに遊び場を創造する」をコンセプトに掲げ、日本だけでなく海外でも高く評価される TRANSIT GENERAL OFFICE (トランジットジェネラルオフィス)。カフェレストラン、ケータリング、ホテル、レジデンス、オフィスのブランディングプロデュースから運営までと多岐にわたる空間を手がけ、昨今でも、オーストラリアの朝食の人気店「bills(ビルズ)」に、世界最大級のレンタルオフィス「the SOHO (ザ・ソーホー)」、複合シェア施設「the SHARE (ザ・シェア)」、発信型シェアオフィス「PORTAL POINT (ポータルポイント)」、「渋谷ヒカリエ」の上層階に構える、銀座「アロマフレスカ」の原田慎次シェフがフードプロデュースを行う「THE THEATRE TABLE (シアターテーブル)」などが話題を呼んだ。こうして常にメディアと顧客を魅了し、確実に満足させる空間を作り出すトレンド仕掛人、TRANSIT GENERAL OFFICE 代表・中村貞裕氏に話を聞いた。













トランジットジェネラルオフィスを起業するってときに、何をやろうかなって考えていて、人を集める場所を作る仕事がいいなと思った。そのとき、ちょうど「バワリーキッチン」っていう新しいカフェが駒沢にできたんです。日本では、NY のダイナーみたいのがそれまで “カフェ”って言われていたんだけど、食事もできて朝までお酒も飲めるっていういままでと違うジャンルが出てきて、僕の持っているお客さんにも合うし、これは僕に向いているなって思った。それで、速攻始めたのが「OFFICE (オフィス)」っていう小さいカフェ。伊勢丹時代のパーティーの人脈が役に立ち、ものすごく人が集まる場所になったんです。その1年後に「Sign (サイン)」外苑前、「OFFICE」の2号店と、とんとん拍子に出店をしたときに、リニューアルすることになったホテル「ニュー目黒」(現在のホテル「CLASKA」)にカフェで出店しないかって話をもらったんです。でも、規模も大きいしお金もなかったんで、企画書だけ出した。それが気に入ってもらえて、企画・運営で僕が入ることになったんです。そしたら、「9部屋しかないからホテルもやらない?」って言われて、僕、基本的に「やれない」って言わないんで、「やります」って言ったんです(笑)










—GUCCI や DIESEL、メルセデス・ベンツなどブランドのカフェも手がけてらっしゃいますよね。


それで、トランジットに頼めば、イケメンケータリングが来ると人気がでて、気づいたらファッションブランドのケータリングで1、2番の会社になれたんです。今はイベントとケータリングは「TRANSIT Crew」という別会社にしています。それで、GUCCI のカフェができるときにはケータリングでお世話になっていたのももちろん、伊勢丹出身の先輩方も多いので、「銀座に建てるビルのワンフロアをカフェにするんだけどプレゼンしてみないか?」と声かけてもらって、本国にプレゼンして、企画・運営で入ることになったんです。当時ブランドカフェが全くなかったんで GUCCI CAFE は非常に話題になりました。それ以来様々なブランドさんにお声かけいただいていますし、もちろんプレゼンにも参加しています。



最近は“シェア”というキーワードを中心にシェアオフィスとか、シェア施設とかシェアできるものをキーワードで作っていましたね。(株)リビタプロデュースの原宿の複合シェア施設「THE SHARE」でクリエイティブディレクションをやらせてもらったり、自社でもトランジットの本社に併設したシェアオフィス「PORTAL POINT を作りました。TRANSITは、カフェのイメージが強かったんですけど、ライフスタイルに影響することに注目しながら“遊び場”を創っているんで、最近はあまりカフェだけを打ち出さないようにしています。最近僕の中で流行りそうだなと思っているのが、ミシュランシェフと組んでそれをカジュアルダウンさせた店。ミシュランシェフのお店に行きたいけれど、やはり景気がいいわけではないので、今のニーズには合っていると思うんです。そこでまずはじめたのが渋谷ヒカリエの『THE THEATRE TABLE』です。


正直、僕はいけると思ったらすぐにやっちゃうんです。今度、8月に逗子で日曜しかやっていないパンケーキショップ『SUNDAY JAM』と組んで原宿のパンケーキ戦争の中に『「SUNDAY JAM」harajuku』を出します。元々平日と土曜日は天然酵母を使ったパン屋さんで粉もののスペシャリストだけに信じられないくらい美味しい!絶対に流行ると思います。やりたいけどやれていないことは、本物のホテルをやりたいんですよ。3年から5年以内には、必ずやろうと思っていて、海外のものを持ってくる可能性もあるし、オリジナルを作る可能性もありますね。東京のど真ん中に、遊び場として、絶対にいままでみたことのないホテルを作ろうと思って動いてます。














中村貞裕(なかむら さだひろ)/トランジットジェネラルオフィス代表取締役社長。1971年東京都生まれ。慶應義塾大学卒業後、伊勢丹を経て、2001年に「ファッション、 建築、音楽、デザイン、アート、飲食をコンテンツに遊び場を創造する」を企業コンセプトに、トランジットジェネラルオフィスを設立。カフェブームの立役者 としてカフェ「Sign」をはじめ、「GUCCI CAFE」や「bills」など、カフェやレストランの運営を約40店舗手掛けるほか、ホテル「CLASKA」、大阪の「堂島ホテル」、「the SOHO」などの話題の施設、さらにはオフィス、商業施設、ファッションブランドのブランディングやプロデュースなど、その仕事は多岐に渡り、今後は海外 進出も控えている。近年グループ会社として、イベント&ケータリング会社「TRANSIT CREW」、不動産総合プロデュース会社「REAL GATE」、ITソリューション会社「JET AGENCY」、人材紹介会社の「Departure & Partners」を設立。トランジットのユニークでエッジの効いたテイストやセンス、サービスは、日本はもとより海外においても高く評価されており、空 間創造総合企業を目指し、話題の遊び場を創造すべく日々精力的に活動中。

Attracting praise from critics both domestically and internationally, TRANSIT GENERAL OFFICE works to develop recreational facilities around the concept of uniting fashion, architecture, music, design, art, and gourmet into one establishment. Their work entails branding and management for numerous popular cafés, restaurants, catering services, hotels, residences, offices and more. Recent projects include the popular Australian breakfast café bills, luxury rental offices and share spaces such as the SOHO and the SHARE, and THE THEATRE TABLE – a restaurant dominating the top floor of the new Shibuya Hikarie building and produced by Ginza Aromafresca’s Chef Shinji Harada. The man behind these public and media sensations is TRANSIT GENERAL OFFICE’s CEO, Sadahiro Nakamura.

—Were you interested in fashion and trends since childhood?

I wasn’t interested in fashion at all, and I was just a normal kid who grew up in Musashi Koganei (a suburb of Tokyo). However, my parents were running a business and had a habit of asking questions like “what’s popular lately?” since I was little. They also had me help with marketing as a child, so before I knew it, I began thinking to myself “I wonder what’s popular right now” on my own. I was even asking my friends about it.

But I’m a total trendwhore. I always felt negative about that fact, but just prior to the age of thirty, I finally learned to take it positively. Anyways, I am really curious, but you might say that I get bored of things easily or don’t continue them for a long time. In high school, I was just following the trends and not really thinking about anything except that I wanted to get into a good university like Keio, which I thought would make me more attractive. Although I got into Keio University right around the time when the economic bubble popped, I was full of curiosity and went to many different places and events, enjoying my college life to the fullest.

—So, even though you weren’t interested in apparel, your first job was at the Isetan department store?

I was a trendwhore, but I wasn’t really interested in clothes. I didn’t really know much about clothes or Isetan until after I got the job. Around that time, Yukio Fujimaki started up a cutting-edge project he called “the liberated zone”, in which he would find new designers and sell their products on the top floor of Isetan. I thought it was an interesting idea and great work, so I decided that I wanted to do it, too. When I got transferred to work under Mr. Fujimaki on that new fashion floor, which opened during my second year at the company, I was ecstatic. I became part of the most popular division, so I was really happy. On top of that, I felt like my hard work or my performance was being recognized.

At that time, new workers were required to get I Card (Isetan credit card) contracts, and while regular workers were only getting around 5 or so contracts, I had a lot of friends and brought in around 180 new contracts. I was told that it was the most since the store opened. It wasn’t something I did by myself; I just asked my good friends, and they asked their superiors and subordinates for me, too.

However, my dream as a second-year staff and reality was a bit different, and Mr. Fujimaki was extremely busy and didn’t really pay particular attention to me. So I immediately wrote a letter of resignation from the company. Then, Mr. Fujimaki said to me “You won’t get fired here that easily, but if you are comfortable quitting this easily anyways, you should try working so hard that the company wants to fire you first.”

Despite being told such, I didn’t have anything I really wanted to do. I thought that if there was nothing that I wanted to do, then I should start from what I could do. Aside from my teenage years when I thoughtI could do anything, I have a hard time finding what I want to do quickly, so I’m the type that thinks I should start from what I can do. And I realized when I was much older that this would connect to what I really wanted to do in the end. So, when I thought about what I could do at that time, it was gathering people and putting on an event.

In my position below Mr. Fujita, I had the opportunity to meet a variety of young creative minds. However, I was dissatisfied that our interaction would basically end with an exchange of business cards, so I thought that if I made a place where I could bring all of those people together, I could get to know all of them at once. So I asked “Can I just not do overtime on Fridays and instead hold an event?” And somehow, I got permission to have a party every Friday night. It became really popular. I started to get appearances in magazines more and more, and the people from the PR department even got mad at me. But I kept doing it with the mindset that I wouldn’t get fired anyways.

I got a hand in a variety of projects through the people I met there, and by that time, Mr. Fujimaki had already left the company, and I had enjoyed plenty of chances to do what I wanted to and had achieved enough out of it that I wrote a letter of resignation. Nobody stopped me this time around! That was when I was thirty years old.

—And then you decided to start your own company.

That’s right. Until right before the age of 30, I was self-conscious of my fickle and easily bored self. But suddenly, a lot of friends began asking me about things. Stuff like “Hey, Nakamura, what’s in style these days?” or “Where do you think would be a good date spot to take a girl?” At that time, friends were referring me to as the “walking Tokyo Walker” (after the name of a magazine that offers information about popular recreation spots in Tokyo). Being depended on in that way turned in to pressure, so I began going to more and more new shops. I like new things in the first place, so whenever some new spot opened up like stores or restaurants, I would be the first to go, and I was even following the latest movies. A specialist is someone who knows 100 about 1 subject, but I knew 1 about 100 subjects. Then it dawned on me that 100 x 1 and 1 x 100 is the exact same thing, and I discovered the way of life as a trendwhore!

When I started TRANSIT GENERAL OFFICE, I was thinking about what I should do and decided that I should make a place where people gather. Conveniently, a new café named BOWERY KITCHEN opened up at that time in Komazawa. In Japan, New York-style diners were referred to as cafés up until then, but this establishment introduced a new genre that offered meals and would be open for drinks until morning. I thought that it matched my customers as well as my own tastes. So I immediately opened my own little café called OFFICE. The connections I made while running parties at Isetan proved helpful in making it a place that an amazing amount of people came to gather. One year later, I made a second branch in Gaiemmae called Sign, and just when I began to lose interest, the under-renovation hotel called The New Meguro (now known as CLASKA), asked if I would like to make a restaurant in the hotel.

It required a big investment, and I didn’t have much money, but I submitted a plan anyways. They liked it so much that they brought me on in a Planning and Management position. Then they said, “There are only nine rooms, so do you want to just run the whole hotel?” I basically never say that I can’t do something,so I told them “I’ll do it”.

—When producing a new space, do you have a method that you follow for increasing the value customers get out of their visit?

As a fundamental, I develop a name and a concept that anyone can easily understand. The concept is like a manual inside our minds that is only a few words long. I think that it’s important to consider what kind of media coverage we will get and how we will explain the establishment to our customers. I’m not interested in projects that don’t generate a word-of-mouth effect – I feel motivated by the thought of how much the products of my work can spread throughout society, and for that reason, arranging media coverage to get people talking about it is extremely important. At the top of any magazine article, there is a headline, right? The concept communicated by the headline tends to stick with us, so I always make that first.

The next necessary step is to make the naming and concept clear and easy to understand by generating components and contents. For example, if it’s a restaurant, then it might be the interior design, the logo, or the menu. Normally, it would just end there, but our method of branding would include 50 different factors. We separate one restaurant into areas like kids, events, desserts, uniforms, handsome staff, background music, and other fine details until there are 50 or even 100 components. We strain and strain until we can muster one hundred. The more contents there are, the more chance there is of one of those contents becoming a popular conversation topic.

After that, we go about casting them with concrete names. It might be an interior designer or a brand of furniture. If the content category is kids, then it might mean thinking about kids’ chairs. When we say “casting”, some tend to think we mean people, but our definition could include event names, shops, people, or anything relatively tangible.

In this way, we make hooks to latch onto from every direction. Nowadays, you can do promote these fine details through SNS, magazines, people and a multitude of other venues. By doing so, a restaurant that would usually only get covered by a dining magazine might be introduced in fashion and children’s magazines as well. Thus, we maximize the number of appeal points at our disposal in order to reach the greatest variety of press genres and, more importantly, to make it easier to generate buzz.

Also, I don’t like the idea of creating it and then just leaving it out in the open. Not just creating it but also managing it holds great significance, so I like work that brings the two as a set. Behind a restaurant and a hotel comes the management. I would never just suddenly take up managing a project somebody else has created, and I always ask if I can also manage what I have created. If you ask why, it’s because even after something is created, you still have to continue to generate new contents. I would feel upset if someone arbitrarily remade those contents in a weird way.

—You mean you want to be responsible for everything you make?

That’s part of it, but also, we emphasize the after care of the branding that we produce, since to us a brand equals a building up of many smaller parts. It’s not like I studied publicity or branding while I was in university, and I’m completely ignorant as far as brands go, but I repeated selling the same products at Isetan for 6 years, and I would even deal with complaints from customers on a daily basis. This taught me that the hard work from each day builds up to make it the brand that it is. After I quit, I opened up a small café and sold cheap coffee everyday, and the people around me told me to work hard. I did so everyday, and now it has become a brand that draws offers from major companies. I think that building up, continuing and what follows are really important. That’s why I feel operation is so significant.

If you call it “space production”, then it just ends with that, but we use the name “branding production” because we produce a space that can perform as branding. Since actually making the brand comes later, we first provide the foundation and then, while operating on this base, we ultimately enter into a second phase that is branding. Even when we can’t do this, we often enter as an advisory role to increase our business chances. Using one big pillar, brand production, and a cushion-type pillar, operation, together to form the structure of increasing sales is an interesting idea, I am often told positively. Because not many other people are doing it.

You are involved in the development of brand cafés for labels such as Gucci, Diesel, and Mercedes-Benz, right?

Right after opening my café, I had many customers in the apparel industry and often catered for them. I hadn’t really planned to cater, but I was prepared to go as far as putting myself in debt if it meant pleasing my clients. Luckily, I had really begun to develop the TRANSIT style, and I gradually gained a regular customer base. When I was working at Isetan, I felt that wait staff at Japanese parties were really unattractive when compared to events in other countries, so I decided to collect handsome waiters and had about two hundred good-looking young men sign up. You can find cute girls working at a lot of different places, but there aren’t many places to find good-looking guys. They might work at regular places like convenience stores and cafés, but they could get in trouble and decide to quit when work conflicts with an audition for a modeling agency. They’re free to do what they want if they work for us, and they only have to work at parties that fit their schedule.

Then, word of our handsome catering staff got around, and before I knew it we had become the #1 or #2 catering service for fashion brands. Now, I have made a separate company for events and catering called TRANSIT Crew. So then, customers I had been catering for as well as my former coworkers from Isetan who had moved to Gucci said “One floor of the new Ginza Gucci Building will be made into a café, so why don’t you present an idea for it?” I presented my idea to the headquarters in Italy, and they hired me for planning and management. At the time, there weren’t any brand cafés, so the Gucci Café became huge news. Since then, numerous brands have approached me, and I have happily presented my ideas.

—Are there any projects that you are currently working on or want to get in on in the future?

The projects I have gotten from brand cafés have become a pillar of my work. Aside from that, I have been working on producing the branding for retail shops, spaces, hotels, and commercial facilities, and currently I am even working on regional recovery projects. This ranges from regional revitalization including dealing with ryokan (Japanese traditional lodging) to actual city planning. And the café bills has now opened its fourth location. There are not many examples of foreign restaurants that came to Japan and were successful. Thanks to the popularity of bills, I have been getting a lot of inquiries from different brands, so I’m expecting to get more from overseas from now on, as well.

Recently, I have been developing a variety of facilities around the keyword “share”. I was in charge of the creative direction for the Harajuku cooperative use facility called THE SHARE. Furthermore, I established a share office called PORTAL POINT in the same building we have our headquarters. TRANSIT is heavily associated with cafés, but we emphasize the positive effects made on customers’ lifestyles when creating a new space, so I am trying to avoid only having cafés in the forefront. Recently, an idea that I think will be successful is to partner up with a Michelin Chef and make a casual restaurant. People want to eat at restaurants with Michelin Chefs, but the economy isn’t good after all, and I don’t think it really suits the era’s needs. I’ve started by opening up THE THEATRE TABLE in Shibuya’s Hikarie building.

In the past, I wasn’t really in favor of just bringing over foreign brands to Japan, because I wanted to develop everything from scratch. But after working on bills, I realized that original projects are great, but there’s also a lot of fun in studying an existing brand and launching it. Right now, I have a theme inside my head of a “global standard”, and bills is a world-class establishment that I would feel comfortable bringing over to New York exactly how it is now. I feel that the level of my original projects hasn’t been quite up to par yet to expand internationally. That’s why I wanted to partner myself with a brand succeeding as a global standard. It inspires me to develop an original brand that I can proudly to take overseas.

Honestly, if I think an idea will succeed, I will act on it immediately. Next, I’m going to pair up with a pancake shop from Zushi that only opens on Sundays called SUNDAY JAM and release a new SUNDAY JAM harajuku amidst the Harajuku pancake war. The shop, run by a flour specialist, was originally an unbelievably delicious natural yeast bakery open on weekdays and Saturdays. I am sure it will be popular. Developing a real hotel is something that I want to but haven’t yet had the opportunity to do. Within 3-5 years, I am definitely planning to go for it. I might bring something from overseas, or I might create something original. I work to develop a type of recreational spot that has never been seen before.

—So you take a consistent stance about producing a concept based on a “casting” system of categorization?

By planning and then casting, you develop an expert sense. Because I follow trends, I possess knowledge about a wide range of topics. To put my reasoning simply, when walking through the city or even at a party, without knowing anything about the people around me, I can’t remember them. But I am trying to create hooks to latch them onto in my head by familiarizing myself with a variety of subjects.

With absolutely no knowledge on a subject, I can’t make that link, so I value having slight understandings of numerous topics. I flip through magazines of every genre when I go to bookstores. But I don’t read them thoroughly – I just skim. By doing that, I can get a sense of what is popular right now. Our job entails finding the common divisor for a great deal of information earlier and more accurately than others. It’s all about doing it fast and on a large scale. It’s about finding that “1”. This doesn’t mean we’re making 1 out of 0; we are searching for a 1 that nobody else has noticed and then making it into 10. Perhaps we seek that 1 that seems like it will become a 10 in the future.

I cannot achieve my method by myself, as it places great importance on casting, so I always involve specialists. I keep all types of specialists on hand, so I can ask them to get on the project immediately if the need arises. Doing this of course requires knowing a lot of people, but it’s not like you have to be really close. I keep our relationship just close enough that I can call upon them when their help is needed for a project.

—You follow trends very closely and seem to be very dynamic, but do you have any long-time practices?

That would be my practice of finding new stuff. I look at everything like I’m window-shopping. Knowing where to get good food appeals to others easily. This doesn’t just mean gourmet dining but delicious restaurants in general. I’ve been consistent about this for the 20 years since I was a student. People who know where to get good food gain respect. People who don’t try to verse themselves about new shops or buzz topics probably wouldn’t suit our company. People who don’t have some “trendwhore” qualities to them probably don’t suit the brand production concept that I am going for.

—Do you plan to produce any spaces targeting young people in the future?

I am not really trying to limit anything by age. I usually segment the market by taste. Department stores used to separate their targets by age, but when Barney’s came out, I learned quite a bit about division by taste instead of generation. Therefore, as far as I’m concerned, I target people who enjoy the atmosphere. I can inherently pick up on the interests of people within 10 years of my age, but I would rather have someone in his or her 30s manage a project that targets people in their 20s. When aiming at people in their 60s, I would turn to the advice of colleagues in their 50s. Of course, I do the marketing and know the trends, but I am not as motivated personally, so I tend to pass that work to people closer to that generation.

I’m not really trying to do anything new, and I’m totally fine with copying others. If a different person is doing it, it will undoubtedly produce a different final product. Even if you have a plan, the way it is put into action can be completely different depending on the person in charge of direction. I’m guilty of only doing what I am interested in at the moment. As a result, it’s really important to me to have specialists around me of every genre. It’s usually a win-win situation!

—Mr. Nakamura’s current recommended recreation spots for adults:

THE THEATRE TABLE at Shibuya Hikarie
It’s my own store, but I have filled it with contents that appeal to adults. The spacious interior has a reminiscent bit to it, and I was selective about the lighting at night. You feel like you are in Tokyo when you’re out on the terrace. It offers “neo trattoria” themed food prepared by the Michelin Chef Shinji Harada that you can really enjoy.

Tsutaya Daikanyama
I stop there three times a week before heading home. I can absorb a lot of information there, I can interact with my friends there. It’s completely aimed at adults, and the lounge on top has comfortable seats and a relaxed atmosphere. I can spend the whole day there; it’s like Disneyland to me.

Ebisu Yokocho
I love meal hopping, so I usually want to eat until I’m 60% full and then go to another place. I hate getting full at one place. Anyways, when someone who loves gourmet takes me to dinner, going to eat yakitori and then heading somewhere else to have Dandan noodles is totally normal. At Ebisu Yokocho, you can do miniature restaurant hopping. At the end, there’s a pub that only fits about 10 people. I like to go there and sing karaoke like crazy.

Sadahiro Nakamura / TRANSIT GENERAL OFFICE President. Born in Tokyo in 1971. After graduating from Keio University, he spent time working with Isetan until he established a company called TRANSITGENERAL OFFICE in 2001 which was built around the concept of uniting fashion, architecture, music, design, art, and gourmet into one facility. Playing a key role in the Japanese café boom, he started up the café Sign and was involved with over 40 other restaurants and cafés including bills and GUCCI CAFÉ, among other big names. Furthermore, his operations include Tokyo hotel CLASKA, Osaka’s Dojima Hotel, luxury rental office the SOHO, and other office and commercial facilities, and even the branding production for several fashion labels. Having gained a variety of experience, he plans to expand overseas in the near future. Recently, as group companies, he has established an event and catering business called TRANSIT CREW, a real estate production company named REAL GATE, an IT solutions firm known as JET AGENCY, and a staffing agency entitled Departure & Partners. TRANSIT’s unique, edgy and tasteful service has gained international recognition, and Nakamura spends everyday energetically developing hot topic locations as he works towards his goal of establishing a comprehensive space production company.