Quality, timeless and innovation are the fundamental philosophy of The Fashion Post, a Tokyo based independent digital fashion media. We curate daily fashion, beauty and culture feeds, and create the original editorials, portrayed in the digital era, and portraits, interviews from the authorities of different culture in the creative industry.
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Pass The Baton To Open Its 3rd Store In KyotoPASS THE BATON (パスザバトン) が京都祇園店を8月オープン 同店初の飲食スペースも併設
PASS THE BATON's owner, Masamichi Toyama, publishes a book todayPASS THE BATON (パス ザ バトン) を手がける遠山正道氏の著書『やりたいことをやるというビジネスモデル―PASS THE BATONの軌跡』が本日発売
First MACKINTOSH flagship store in Japan opening in Minami Aoyama, Tokyo, August 31MACKINTOSH (マッキントッシュ) の日本初となる旗艦店が8月31日、南青山にオープン