Quality, timeless and innovation are the fundamental philosophy of The Fashion Post, a Tokyo based independent digital fashion media. We curate daily fashion, beauty and culture feeds, and create the original editorials, portrayed in the digital era, and portraits, interviews from the authorities of different culture in the creative industry.
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BIOTOP NURSERIES launches at Adam et Ropé Biotop in Shirokanedaiいま注目のボタニカルクリエイターたちが造り上げた「ビオトープ・ナーセリーズ」が白金台にオープン
Adam et Rope' Biotop currently selling limited number of special box 'SEVEN VEILS' from Swedish fragrance brand 'BYREDO'スウェーデン発のフレグランスブランド「BYREDO(バレード)」Adam et Rope' Biotopにて「SEVEN VEILS(セヴン ヴェールズ)」スペシャルBOXを数量限定発売