Quality, timeless and innovation are the fundamental philosophy of The Fashion Post, a Tokyo based independent digital fashion media. We curate daily fashion, beauty and culture feeds, and create the original editorials, portrayed in the digital era, and portraits, interviews from the authorities of different culture in the creative industry.
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Kunichi Nomura, Toshiko Nakashima, Yoshiko Kris-Webb and Kamiko Inuyama get together to talk about Sophia Coppola’s recent short film tetralogy for Gap【対談動画】ソフィア・コッポラが手掛けたGapの映像4部作を「野村訓市x中島敏子」「クリス-ウェブ佳子x犬山紙子」が読み解く
Gap Launches BLUE BOX PRESENTS. ProjectGap が新プロジェクト「BLUE BOX PRESENTS. (ブルーボックス プレゼンツ)」を始動!第1弾は野村訓市とコラボ
ALL DAY COFFEE opens at GRAND FRONT OSAKAスペシャリティコーヒースタンド「ALL DAY COFFEE (オール デイ コーヒー)」がグランフロント大阪にオープン - 鳥羽伸博氏、平林奈緒美氏、野村訓市氏、小沢宏氏らとのコラボに注目