【クリエイターたちはいま】 vol.1 ジャン・トゥイトゥ (A.P.C.)
Photo by UTSUMI
【クリエイターたちはいま】 vol.1 ジャン・トゥイトゥ (A.P.C.)
Talk From Home:
Jean touitou
全世界で自粛生活が長引く中、クリエイターたちは何を考えて、どのように過ごしているのか。連載形式でお届けする「Talk from Home – クリエイターたちはいま」。A.P.C. (アー・ペー・セー) のデザイナー Jean Touitou (ジャン・トゥイトゥ) が、7つの質問に答えてくれた。
*You’ll find the English text after the Japanese.
ほとんどいつもと変わらない。7時30分に起きて、9時から仕事を始める。ほとんどが書く仕事で、今は電話で話すことも多い。ランチタイム前の2時間は、料理かトレーニングにあてているよ。午後も同じで、公園で散歩もしてる。17時から18時30分までは、A.P.C.の”ジェダイ”(=スターウォーズ用語。守護者の意。)ミーティングをビデオでして、大きな決定もここでしている。その後、ディナーを作って、ギターを弾くか、暖炉の近くで読書しているよ。もうニュースはみないね。ヒッチコックの映画をみているかも。いい映画は私にとって、かつては文明が存在していたということを思い出すために必要なものなんだ。昨日は、Peter Yates (ピーター・イエーツ) の「ブリット」をみていたけれども、いかに優れたデザインが昔はあったかということを見ていたら何故だか悲しくなってきてしまった。
(生活について) 私は思春期から人々とソーシャルディスタンスをとってきた。だから、あまり変わらないね。
(仕事について) ファッション業界のシステムは、バカらしいことばかりだとずっと考えてきた。この非常に不幸な難局は、そのバカらしいこと、そして私たちの業界ではもはや通用しないものにスポットライトを当てたんだ。マージンやディストリビューション、高い賃料、セレブリティ文化、インフルエンサー、高いファッションショー、電話で済むようなミーティングのために世界を旅すること。終わりがないリストだよ。

A.P.C. 2020年秋冬コレクション
コロナウイルスについて? そのものに関して今何かを発言することは難しいな。科学的な視点から見るに、真実をエディットすることに長けた非民主的な国からこの問題は始まった。私たちは迷走を余儀なくされている。
—Please tell us your daily routine during this time.
Almost as usual. Waking up at 7.30 starting to work at 9.00 am. mostly writing, and now, talking a lot on the phone. Two hours before lunch time I either cook or do some physical training. Same thing in the afternoon, with more walking in the park, then from 5 to 6.30 pm we have an APC Jedis meeting by video conference that include big decisions e making.. Then cooking diner, then playing guitar or reading by the fire place. No news watching anymore. Probably a Hitchcock movie. A good movie is something I need to remember that civilisation existed once . Yesterday’s movie was Peter Yates “Bullit”. It somehow makes me sad to look at how things had a better design in the past. I loved the slowness of this movie too.
—What effect has lockdown had on your life and your work the most?
Life: I have been social distancing people since adolescence; so it didn’t change much.
Work: I was already thinking that the fashion system contained quite a lot of absurdity. This very unfortunate crisis is spotlighting them and what will not work anymore in our industry. Margins, distribution, expensive rents, celebrity culture, influencers, expensive fashion show, travelling over the world for meeting that could have been made over the telephone: it’s an endless list .
A good part of my work now is day to day decision making in order to avoid sinking. We have over 80 stores, that means over 80 hungry landlords who wants their rents to be paid, but the stores are closed. How does one deal with this cruel reality? Even if I am not on the front line of these fights, it does affect me.
Also, we need to continue paying a lot of staff in order to maintain our company working. So, again, even if I’m not a front liner in these battles, they do affect me quite a lot. Staying alive is our daily work. There’s a big black and scary hole to be avoided. One shall dance around.
—Please tell us something creative you have done at your home.
I discovered some new ways of using the kitchen’s oven. It gives me new ideas to give a last finishing touch to food.
I hand write letters to APC retailers, and I seal the envelope with a red wax seal with our symbol embossed in it, like the pope in the middleages.
I practice my 12 string acoustic guitar, so my fingers get used to it.
But overall my creativity goes to make sure that my brand stay alive despite immense difficulties. Immense. .But we will not collapse, that is for sure, but the battle will hurt.
—What do you predict about the world when this is over?
SAME OLD SHIT I am sorry but no better wording comes to my brain when I try to look into the future.
Everything will go back to the same by the end of 2021. In the meantime, there will be words and words and words. People will be ENDLESSLY talking. People will just virtually gather and try to be more cleaver than the one who spoke before.
I’ve seen this at the end of the sixties.
When this is over, for example, there will still be too much bad novels on the literature market, too much useless informations and advertisements in the medias, too much parties everywhere and way too many fashion shows again, etc. etc.
But hopefully some part of human beings will come out of this more cleaver.
About the fashion industry, they will be a huge fracturing between the fashion conglomerate and the independent brands. Comparable to religious or a political clash.
Or if things goes in a beautiful way, fashion conglomerate could collapse like the record industry did.
—What do you think about this pandemic?
We don’t know nothing yet in order to do some decent thinking. For now I believe that the economical breakdown will be comparable to the late twenties crisis.
The Covid crisis itself? It’s also difficult to say anything relevant for now. From a scientific point of view, since the problem was born in a non-democratic country who is very good at editing the truth, we are lost.
So it’ll make the thinking harder, since we suffer of a lack of information. So far, all I can only foresee economical phenomenons: a lot of bankruptcies mainly caused by greedy landlords and insurance companies.
—What happens to 2020-21AW delivery?
It is being produced as I am writing this. We reduced the quantities because we know that business will be slower. These productions were launched before the crisis started. The deliveries will be on time. Some already started to arrive in the Paris warehouse.
—Please tell us your thoughts or preparation for 2021SS collection.
We have a very advanced work schedule. The thoughts and preparation were done some times ago!
So this collection is already designed, and the prototypes are almost all done.
It’s already all in the showroom, unpacked. We will unpack it by mid may in order to sell it in our virtual show room.