Quality, timeless and innovation are the fundamental philosophy of The Fashion Post, a Tokyo based independent digital fashion media. We curate daily fashion, beauty and culture feeds, and create the original editorials, portrayed in the digital era, and portraits, interviews from the authorities of different culture in the creative industry.
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‘David Beckham effect’ helps UK men’s intimates sales soarベッカム効果で英メンズ・インティメイトの売上増加
PVH expects to cut 900-1,000 jobsPVH、最大で1000人の解雇を予定
Fashion film vol.160: Calvin Klein presents Alexander Skarsgård in Provocations, with Suvi Koponen for our Spring 2013 campaignファッションフィルム vol.160: Calvin Klein (カルバン クライン) が俳優アレクサンダー・スカルスガルドを起用した春夏キャンペーン映像を公開「Provocations」
Lululemon, Calvin Klein agree to settle yoga-bottoms lawsuitルルレモンとカルバン・クラインは示談へ
Hazardous chemicals found in 20 high street fashion brands, claims Greenpeace20ブランドが有害化学物質を使用
PVH to acquire peer Warnaco for $2.9bnPVH、ワーナコを買収