dress the food
oil-packed firefly squid and walnut

【DRESS THE FOOD】 ホタルイカとくるみのオイル漬け

dress the food
oil-packed firefly squid and walnut

Photography, Videography, foodstyling & text: kaoru
translation: sho mitsui
edit: mikiko ichitani

広告や雑誌、CMなどで幅広く活動するかたわら、「Dress the Food」として、オリジナリティあふれるフードフォトを世に送り出しているフードディレクター・薫。ZINEの制作や東京とNYの2都市での個展開催など、自身の創作活動にも力を入れる彼女が、いま一番気になる食材とは。彼女ならではの愛にあふれた眼差しで旬の食材の魅力を紐解く、新感覚のフードエッセイ。第四回目のテーマは「ホタルイカとくるみのオイル漬け」。

dress the food
oil-packed firefly squid and walnut

【DRESS THE FOOD】 ホタルイカとくるみのオイル漬け







You firefly squid you! How can you be so awful.

I can’t emphasize enough about this.


I’ve never had a chance to openly express it, so I have kept this to my heart for quite some time, but I have a pretty mixed feeling about firefly squids.


April is the month where we start to see these light-purple colored boiled firefly squids daily in grocery stores. If lucky enough, I get to lay my hands on raw firefly squids and I can’t help but smile by the way they are so neatly placed in the package. Their eyes are so round and innocent as if they were characters of some cute comic books. Their shiny, smooth and transparent body. Their sizes are just perfect like miniature figurines. When I imagine such cute creatures illuminating the ocean with their blue light, I even feel mystical.




The raw firefly squids are more expensive than the boiled ones but I buy them once a season inspite of the price because of their appearances and my wild fantasy. However, they become problems once I take them home. They don’t last long and I’m not a sushi chef so I have to cook them. I get to see them eye to eye for just a second and I will quite unwillingly have them place themselves in boiled water with plenty of salt.

And here we must be ready to see some extremely shocking scenery.

湯気がもくもくたったお湯の中、ものの4秒ほどで大きな黒目がみるみる白濁して小さく真っ白になったと思った途端、びよ。っと飛び出す。これがもう何と言ったらいいのか (泣)。正直に言ってかなり気持ち悪い。何度見ても身の毛もよだつトランスフォメーション。こんなにショッキングな変身を成し遂げる食材が現時点で思いつかないくらい。それくらいひどいよって言いたい。

In hot boiled water giving out steam, after say 4 seconds, the big, round, black eyes of firefly squids pop out right after they turn completely white. What can I say. Honestly they’re disgusting lol. I never get used to seeing this transformation. I can’t name any other ingredient that shockingly turn themselves into almost something completely different. If I could, I’d love to tell them directly that’s how awful they are.



If only they could stay cute with their pretty purple appearance. It seems like they’ve changed their existence as squids.  Anyways, this is why I cannot stop but have mixed feelings about them even though I enjoy eating them so much.


However, you just can’t do without firefly squids in spring because they go so well with vegetables that are in high season. They match perfectly well with the sweet spring cabbages, the bitter rape blossoms and that fluffy fava beans… I’d oil-pack a bunch of them so that they’d be ready to serve whenever I’d want to cook them. First you get rid of their boiled-white eyes, their black mouths between their legs and their plastic-like bones inside their head with tweezers. That’s all the preparation you need to do. It’s very important so take your time to do this. Once you’re done with this, you’ll get to see a sink full of bones, eyes and mouths but as long as you don’t stare at them, they shouldn’t really bother you.



When that’s all done, I put olive oil with thin sliced garlic and chili pepper on a pan and fry them with the squids. Once the squids plump up nicely, I add soy sauce, sake, oyster sauce in 1:1:1 ratio. I fry / boil them till all the liquid evaporates and put them in a jar with a pinch of black pepper and a jar full of olive oil. I put the lid on and it’s all ready.  I recommend packing roasted walnuts in the jar as well because the nuttiness of the walnut soaks into the firefly squid oil and their fragrance goes very well together. This is the highlight of my recipe.You can have them as they are as an appetizer, or even though it’s the most classic, frying them with spring cabbages is the best. After you fry them together in the pan, add a dash of sake and steam boil them briefly, you’ll get what I call “the flavor of spring”. I’d say finish eating these oil packed firefly squids within a week.




I really wish I could share my feelings inside when I see the oiled firefly squids in my jar every time I open my refrigerator.