【クリエイターたちはいま】 vol.7 シャルロット・シェネ
【クリエイターたちはいま】 vol.7 シャルロット・シェネ
Talk from Home:
charlotte chesnais
全世界で自粛生活が長引く中、クリエイターたちは何を考えて、どのように過ごしているのか。連載形式でお届けする「Talk from Home – クリエイターたちはいま」。まるでコンテンポラリーアート作品かのような佇まいを醸すジュエリーで近年注目を集めている Charlotte Chesnais (シャルロット・シェネ)。Balenciaga (バレンシアガ) で9年間デザイナーとして経験を積んだのち、自身の名前を冠したブランドを立ち上げた実業家であり、プライベートでは週末をノルマンディー地方にある別荘で過ごす双子の母でもある。
*You’ll find the English text after the Japanese.

7時に起きて、子供たちが起きるまでの1時間をトレーニングにあてています。そのあと、みんなで朝食をとります (わたしたちはカウントリーハウスに10人で住んでいます)。
オフィスは閉まっているので、私たちはできるだけ ”ホームワーキング” を心がけています。
—Please tell us your daily routine during this time.
I wake up at 7. Then I try to work out one hour before the kids wake up, and we all have breakfast together (we are 10 in a country house).
Then I work from 9 till 18 more or less, I usually have lunch in front of my email, I know it’s bad ;-).
Then it’s bath time for the kids and dinner! They are in bed at 20:00/20:30 and we finally sit, in a quiet house, have a drink of wine (or two) while cooking dinner for the adult. We sometimes watch a movie, and sleep around 23:00… I usually wake up in the middle of the night, I am very used to insomnia, so it’s allowing me to read my book!
—What effect has lockdown had on your life and your work the most?
First thing is that I am away from Paris. In a way it’s not so bad because it’s allowing me to spend more time with my family.
My office is closed, we are « home working » as much as we can.
My ateliers are closed as well, but some of them are partially opening now. Creativity isn’t impacted but so many other part of my work are!
—Please tell us something creative you have done at your home.
I have worked on the next collection that will hopefully be in store by Christmas!
—What do you predict about the world when this is over?
I don’t have a magic bowl. It’s hard to predict behavior’s people. But I can tell you that regarding mine, I will keep on paying even more attention to what I buy, where it’s from, who make it etc… I have always been into conscious/sustainable and high quality consumption.
—What happens to 2020-21AW delivery?
We already ship some before the lockdown, and we will start shipping the rest next week normally.