【DRESS THE FOOD】 とうもろこしと穀物のサラダ
dress the food
Corn and grain salad
photography, foodstyling & text: kaoru
translation: sho mitsui
edit: mikiko ichitani
広告や雑誌、CMなどで幅広く活動するかたわら、「Dress the Food」として、オリジナリティあふれるフードフォトを世に送り出しているフードディレクター・薫。ZINEの制作や東京とNYの2都市での個展開催など、自身の創作活動にも力を入れる彼女が、いま一番気になる食材とは。彼女ならではの愛にあふれた眼差しで旬の食材の魅力を紐解く、新感覚のフードエッセイ。第六回目のテーマは「とうもろこしと穀物のサラダ」。
【DRESS THE FOOD】 とうもろこしと穀物のサラダ
とうもろこしにはわたしの幼心を呼び覚ます何かがある。つやつや元気な黄色い色のせい ? お菓子のような甘さ ? シャキシャキ、それにプチプチとはじける食感 ? 食べる時にかぶりつくっていう野生的な行為のせい ?
いずれにせよ、夏といえばとうもろこし ! とうもろこしといえば夏 ! 瑞々しいとうもろこしを食べたその日から、私の中で夏の思い出が始まるんだ。
To be honest, it’s hard to deny the fact that there’s something about corn that reminds us about our childhood. Is it because of that shiny bright yellow color? Is it that sweet candy like taste? Or is it the way we wildly bite into corn when we have it?
Either way, summer means corn and corn means summer. My summer memory starts at the moment I take a bite into that corn.
When I peel corn skin under the summer dazzling sunshine, the corn silks leave me breathless because of how beautiful they are. No wonder they’re called “silks”. I tend to touch them because of their beauty and that makes me realize how vulnerable they are.
When I boil corn, I leave a piece of skin on the cob. And in a big pot I place the corns, cover them fully with water and add plenty of salt to the water to the point where I feel it’s a bit salty. Turn on the heat, and let it boil for say 10 minutes. That piece of skin will avoid dehydration of the boiled corn and keeps it juicy. Those bright kernels of corn get plumped up like tiny balloons smooshed to each other and looks oddly cute. When it’s boiled and ready, it’s better to leave it in the pot with the water used to boil till you decide to eat it.
Take two combs of boiled corn and cut them in halves. Cut the kernels off of the comb using a knife. Add your favorite grain (brown rice, barley, spelt…etc) boiled and seasoned well with vegetable stock or chicken broth and salt, sliced Kyoto leeks (or green onions), roughly minced purple onions, lemon juice, salt, pepper, and some olive oil. Mix them all together and voila! Corn and grain mixed salad, done. It’s better to let it sit for an hour or over night so that it takes in the flavor. Add some basil and grilled tomatoes right before you have the salad so that they add refreshing sweetness to it. It just screams summer!
I used to have this certain way of eating corn when I was in junior high school.
I pick kernels of corn one at a time straight down the cob. Then I use my thumb and push the kernels on the row right by. That makes it so much smoother to remove the kernels at once. I repeat that till I finish the cob. It’s a weird satisfying feeling to look at those toyish kernels align, but when I finished eating the whole cob for the first time in a while, the remaining cob looked beautiful and the fact that I was proud of it, gave me some nostalgic feeling inside. Honestly It’s so much juicier to bite into the corn cob and I feel like I’m actually “eating” corn, but eating it my way has a pro in that the kernels don’t stick between my teeth and when I succeed in removing the whole row, it gives me a fine exhilarating feeling and I just can’t get enough of it.
As I get older, the way I spend the summer and eat corn have changed. But even now when I see those corn and eat them they give me some sentimental memories that I cannot explain. Here it goes. Another summer of me and my corn.