時代を象徴するジェンダーレスモデル、Erika Linder (エリカ・リンダー) インタビュー
Erika Linder
性別を超えた美しさでジェンダーの境界線を揺るがし、ユニセックスなモデルとして活躍するトップモデル Erika Linder (エリカ・リンダー) の映画初主演作となる『アンダー・ハー・マウス』が公開する。自身の個性をを生かし、本作で新たなステップへと踏み出した Erika Linder にメールインタビューを敢行した。
時代を象徴するジェンダーレスモデル、Erika Linder (エリカ・リンダー) インタビュー
*You’ll find the English text after the Japanese.

©︎ Heather Kemesky
性別を超えた美しさでジェンダーの境界線を揺るがし、ユニセックスなモデルとして活躍するトップモデルの Erika Linder (エリカ・リンダー) の映画初主演作となる『アンダー・ハー・マウス』が10月7日(土)より公開する。トップメゾンのランウェイやキャンペーンビジュアル、ファッション誌などにモデルとして挑戦し、幅広い分野で活躍している Erika Linder。その端正な顔立ち、スタイルは多くの人々を惹きつけ、ジェンダーレスモデルという唯一無二のポジションを獲得している。
出会った瞬間に恋に落ちていく2人の女性の姿をエモーショナルに描いた本作は、監督の April Mullen (エイプリル・マレン) をはじめ、プロデューサー、脚本家といった現場スタッフのみならず、ポストプロダクションのスタッフもすべて女性スタッフという今の時代を象徴した意欲作。監督は、「女性の視点で描かれ、これまでに誰も見たことないような映画をつくりたかった」と狙いを明かし、「オール女性スタッフでつくるとどう違いが出るのかずっと考えてきたのですが、たどり着いた答えは “透明性” だと思う。女性は男性に比べて壁がなく、観客との間の壁も分厚くないと思うんです」と語っている。
Erika Linder が演じるのは、夜ごと違う女性と関係を持つ奔放な日々を送りながら、自身の居場所を探している大工のダラス。Natalie Krill (ナタリー・クリル) 演じるキャリアウーマンのジャスミンと出会い、互いに激しく求めあってゆく…。自身の個性を生かし、本作で新たなステップへと踏み出した Erika Linder にインタビューを敢行した。
撮影現場はとても素晴らしかったです。私は、女性はかなり感情的なレベルでお互いに理解し合い、そして物語や感情にとても共感することができると思っています。全員が驚くほど礼儀正しくて、Natalie Krill と私が安心できるよう望んでくれていました。皆すごく仲良くなりましたし、大きな家族のような感じです。

©︎ 2016, Serendipity Point Films Inc.
—監督の April Mullen との仕事はいかがでしたか?
ファッションは、男女両方の性格を併せ持つことと、男女混合の服で遊んできた唯一の業界です。私は、それは素晴らしいことだと思いますが、最近は皆が自分をアンドロジナス (性別を超えた存在) だと思っているような気がします。

©︎ Heather Kemesky
Erika Linder (エリカ・リンダー)
1990年、スウェーデン生まれ。若き Leonardo DiCaprio (レオナルド・ディカプリオ) を彷彿とさせる端麗な姿でモデルデビューを飾ると、中世的な魅力で瞬く間に世界から注目を集める。キャリアとしては、2013年 Katy Perry (ケイティ・ペリー) のMV「Unconditionally」に出演、2015年Tom Ford (トム・フォード) の「LIPS & BOYS」広告で男性モデルを務めたことが話題に。近年は、Louis Vuitton (ルイ・ヴィトン) のショーに出演、Bruce Weber (ブルース・ウェーバー) 撮影による2016年秋冬コレクションの広告にも起用され、Steven Meisel (スティーヴン・マイゼル) と Michel Comte (ミッシェル・コント) の撮影でイタリア版『VOGUE』ほか『ELLE』をはじめとする多くの世界的ファッション誌で活躍し、唯一無二のユニセックスのイメージをもつモデルとして輝かしいキャリアを築いている。本作が映画初主演作になる。

©︎ Heather Kemesky
-You’ve been successful as one and only androgynous model so far. How did you get to act in this film?
My agency sent me the script and I read it and fell in love with it. I went in for at least 7 auditions in the process so the role wasn’t just given to me. It was a lot of pressure to say the least. They wouldn’t let me know that I got it until almost 2 months after my last audition. I wanted to take my career to another level by doing something different. I had done male modeling and female modeling and high fashion so it was perfect.
—Dallas is free-spirited and bold. Did you have any inner common points between you and the role?
Not really. Dallas and I are very different in a lot of ways. She tries to maintain this tough facade and kind of treats her surroundings poorly. She doesn’t really know how to live her life authentically to a certain extent, meaning that she’s not open to love and won’t let her feelings show that easy. She lets her guard down when she meets Jasmine and it’s love at first sight. Even if Dallas and I don’t have a lot in common, you have to understand the character and her needs & actions. That’s the key to a good and believable performance, I think.
—There’s a scene which you play a guitar in. Have you always played a guitar (musical instrument)?
Pretty much. I started playing when I was really young. As a teenager I got super into playing and writing music. I was in a few bands growing up as well.
—The scene in which you replied “I just wanted her (Mom) to let me be.”, answering Jasmine’s question of “Did you want to be a boy?” was memorable. You are in the rare position as a gender-less model and also have a mysterious atmosphere. Have you thought about the way like Dallas in the scene? Please tell us what you think about the way people see you in and also about the sexual constraint.
I grow up freely. Without anyone telling me what to wear or to act more like this or that. So it was a different experience for me than it was for Dallas. I don’t really think about how people view me as in my sexuality or my personality. I’ve always just gone my own way, and I think that that’s why I’ve gone so far by just being myself. I know that a lot of people aren’t that lucky and it makes me feel bad. It shouldn’t be a problem.
—I heard that the film was shot with all-female staff. It should be a distinctive environment to shoot this kind of sensual film. Please tell us your unforgettable memories while shooting.
It was amazing. I feel like women understand each other on a very emotional level and can relate a lot to scenarios and feelings. Everyone was super respectful and wanted Natalie and myself to feel safe. Everyone became really close and like a big family.
—How did you feel about working with Director April Mullen?
She is great and funny to be around. Very pleasant and understanding. Since it was my first ever feature film, she was great at giving directions and was very supportive of me and my character. Working with her made it easy for me to get into character and find the authenticity in Dallas that was required. She’s young and hardworking and I admire that.
—I thought the sexual film that women created was very sensational and also very pure without men’s ego. Did you feel any differences on the perceptions/views between women and men while you were shooting the film?
first off, when we shot this film and they wanted and all female crew, it was more about showing that this male dominate industry doesn’t necessarily need a man or several behind the camera. It was to empower women.
—You are expanding your career by doing modeling and acting. What’s your next challenge?
Living an artist life, you never know what’s coming next. I’ve always had a vision of how I want things to be and what I want to do. You gotta make things happen and work hard. Right now I’m focusing on my craft as an actor and as an artist. Life is my next and ongoing challenge.
-In the past few years, collection brands (high fashion brands) sometimes coordinate men and women’s fashion shows together and launch more unisex items than before. What do you think about the development in the fashion business?
Fashion has always been the one industry to play around with androgyny and mixed men’s and women’s clothing. I think it’s great but nowadays I think everyone sees themselves as androgynous.
Erika Linder was born on May 11,1990 in Sweden. She is a model and actress. She is known as an androgynous model for modeling both male and female clothing. In 2016, she starred in the film Below Her Mouth.
作品情報 | |
タイトル | アンダー・ハー・マウス |
原題 | Below Her Mouth |
監督 | April Mullen (エイプリル・マレン) |
脚本 | Stephanie Fabrizi (ステファニー・ファブリッツィ) |
製作 | Melissa Coghlan (メリッサ・コフラン) |
出演 | Erika Linder (エリカ・リンダー)、Natalie Krill (ナタリー・クリル)、Sebastian Pigott (セバスチャン・ピゴット) |
配給 | シンカ |
製作国 | カナダ |
製作年 | 2016年 |
上映時間 | 92分 |
HP | underhermouth.jp |
©︎ 2016, Serendipity Point Films Inc. | |
10月7日(土) より、シネマート新宿、シネマート心斎橋他全国順次公開 |