世紀のアートディレクター Fabien Baron (ファビアン・バロン) インタビュー
Fabien Baron
by Manaha Hosoda
Bottega Veneta (ボッテガ・ヴェネタ) の2018年春夏キャンペーン「アート・オブ・コラボレーション」で広告キャンペーンの新たな金字塔を打ち立てた最も影響力を持つアートディレクター Fabien Baron (ファビアン・バロン) にインタビューを敢行。エポックメイキングとも言うべき今回のキャンペーンプロジェクトから彼のクリエイティビティに迫ってみた。
世紀のアートディレクター Fabien Baron (ファビアン・バロン) インタビュー
*You’ll find the English text after the Japanese.

Photograph by Mert Alas & Marcus Piggott
「アートディレクターとは一体どんな職業なのか。」この率直でありながら、非常に難しい質問に対する答えは勿論、千差万別あるだろう。しかし、Fabien Baron (ファビアン・バロン) という存在が最も明瞭な答えのひとつになるかもしれない。
ファッションの世界において最も影響力を持ち、最も輝かしい功績を誇るアートディレクター、それが Fabien Baron だ。30年以上にわたるキャリアにおいて、Alexander Liberman (アレキサンダー・リーバーマン) をはじめ、Liz Tilberis (リズ・ティルベリス) や Franca Sozzani (フランカ・ソッツァーニ) といった業界でも有数のレジェンド達と共に仕事を手がけ、後世にも残る数々の素晴らしいヴィジュアルを生み出してきた仕掛け人。ファッション誌から広告キャンペーン、フレグランスやコスメティック、はたまた家具やアイウェアのデザインなど、その活躍は多岐にわたる。そこに必ず共通するのが、研ぎ澄まされた感覚と先見の明、確固たるヴィジョンだ。
2018年2月、Fabien Baron 率いるクリエイティブエージェンシー Baron&Baron (バロン&バロン) が新たに世に送り出したのが Bottega Veneta (ボッテガ・ヴェネタ) の2018年春夏キャンペーン「アート・オブ・コラボレーション」。これまでクリエイティブ・ディレクターの Tomas Maier (トーマス・マイヤー) は数々のすぐれたクリエイターとコラボレーションを展開してきたが、このキャンペーンは今までに類を見ないほど画期的なヴィジョンを打ち出した。
アカデミー賞受賞経験を持つ撮影監督 Philippe Le Sourd (フィリップ・ル・スール)、業界屈指の舞台装置デザイナー Stefan Beckman (ステファン・ベックマン)、 『ロスト・リバー』や『ツイン・ピークス』のサウンドトラックを手がけた音楽プロデューサー Johnny Jewel (ジョニー・ジュエル) といった錚々たるクリエイター陣を迎えて、制作されたのは全6作品で構成されるアンソロジーシリーズ『リフレクションズ』。2月から4月にかけて2作品ずつ公開され、その長編映画にも匹敵するダイナミックな世界観は大きな注目を集めてきた。遂に最後の2作品が公開されたばかりのこのプロジェクトを記念して、TFPは念願叶い Fabien Baron をインタビューすることに成功。エポックメイキングとも言うべき今回のキャンペーンプロジェクトを通して彼のクリエイティビティに迫ってみた。

『リフレクションズ』ビハインド ザ シーン
撮影監督にはフィリップ・ル・スールを起用しました。ル・スールはウォン・カーウァイの『グランド・マスター』、ソフィア・コッポラの『The Beguiled/ビガイルド 欲望のめざめ』に携わっています。彼の照明の扱い方はとても映画的で『リフレクションズ』にぴったりだった上、スタイルやファッションに関しても造詣が深い人物です。ル・スールとはこれまでにも何度も一緒に仕事をしていたので、自然に調和しました。色や、生地の揺れ方もよくわかっていました。こういったことすべてが、違いを生み出すのです。舞台美術デザイナーのステファン・ベックマンは、センスのレベルがすばらしく高い上、このブランドについて私たちが言わんとすることを完全に理解していました。モデルたちも表現者として、思いを深く巡らせてくれました。マイヤー氏も私も、ヴィットリア・チェレッティがお気に入りなのですが、それは彼女がイタリア人だからというだけでなく、ラグジュアリーを体現しているからです。

『リフレクションズ』ビハインド ザ シーン

『リフレクションズ』ビハインド ザ シーン

『リフレクションズ』ビハインド ザ シーン
Fabian Baron (ファビアン・バロン)
Baron & Baron 創設者兼CCO
-How did you come to the name Reflections?
I think of reflecting in terms of pausing. Thinking about things differently. And if you look at the films, you feel there’s different sides to things. Different reflections. Different aspects. It’s about being able to take one step back to look at what you have. And to move forward from there.
-How did you come to the decision to make moving images the core of Bottega Veneta’s new campaign?
First, we felt that it was important for a brand like Bottega Veneta to be more narrative. Second, the moving image has grown more significant lately, and with the new generation not caring much about still images, film was the best way to communicate the brand message. So everything came from the film instead of the traditional campaign, with a print element, a film element and digital element. We took the stills for the print campaign from the film. There was no photographer.
-That’s quite an unconventional move: a fashion ad campaign without a photographer.
This is the first time I’ve worked on big campaign without a photographer. But we had a director of photography instead since it was film. And the rest of the team: hair and makeup, a stylist. But no photographer. We didn’t have that brand asset that most companies want—to be able to say my campaign was shot by such-and-such. I ended up being the director on set, but only because I compare the work I do with the director of photography very similar to the work I usually do with a photographer anyway— ultimately protecting the brand message and Tomas’s work.

Behind-the-scene from “Reflections”
-You directed the films and you also carefully selected the team of collaborators. Can you talk about that process?
I chose Philippe Le Sourd as the director of photography. He worked on Wong Kar-Wai’s “The Grandmaster” and Sofia Coppola’s film “The Beguiled.” His lighting is very cinematic, which suited Reflections but he also understands style and fashion. I have worked with him many times before and it felt like a natural fit. He understands color and the flow of fabrics well. All of these things make a difference. The set designer Stefan Beckman has an amazing taste level, and he got into what we were trying to say for the brand. The models were also considered collaborators. Tomas and I both loved Vittoria Ceretti. We liked that she’s Italian but also when you look at her, she embodies luxury.
-How do you compose the draft of creative direction? How did you cooperate with the team on the making-of process for the campaign?
For Bottega Veneta, we had to peel the fruit all the way to its core, and define what were the most important points in Bottega Veneta’s DNA. We then built narratives around that core.
And we were very clear we wanted to take a “film first” approach. So when it came to executing the campaign concepts across print and all the other touchpoints, it was essential that we capture that cinematic feeling. The stacked images on the print or outdoor campaign for example, recall film strips, and allow multiple view of the same image—making the Bottega Veneta advertising campaign consistent across all touchpoints but also instantly recognizable and unique.

Behind-the-scene from “Reflections”
-What’s the biggest difference between movie and print, both of which are forms of communication media, to you? What was the point you cared the most when you directed these movies?
Even though they are distant cousins, I think the story revealed in each of the two mediums is different—as is the way you experience it, mentally. Isolating a crucial narrative moment with photography is extremely challenging. It’s like brewing the perfect storm. When a picture is successful, you’ve actually invited the viewer to create their own story from that frozen moment. There is an implication of a before and after—but those events are entirely up to one’s imagination. The image is definite, but the interpretation of it is infinite.
With film, the narrative is the backbone. The structure is essential. As a viewer you are guided through the journey by a very precise point of view—so in a sense, it is a more direct way to pass along a message. There is less space left for the viewer to have their own perception of the events. And with the story established for them, it can become more of a sensorial experience, and in many ways more engaging.
In regards to Bottega Veneta, what was most important to us was how we would express, through a strong narrative, the five brand pillars that represents the Bottega Veneta customer today: Sophistication, Sensuality, Mystery, Surrealism and Design with an inherent Italian touch.
-You’ve spoken before about the need for luxury brands to keep their digital content elevated. Was that a consideration in the format of this campaign, which provides exciting new content throughout the season?
Oh definitely. Digital is supposed to be quicker and faster but you still need to represent the brand and what it stands for: high-quality luxury. You have your story at a certain level, and you have your visuals at a certain level. That’s the way it was with print. Then digital came in and everything was permitted. Now we can show the backdoor of everything. That’s okay but you still need the dream factor. I think the films of Reflections are at the level of a feature movie—in product, talent and special effects—but there are layers. You can consume it in different ways.

Behind-the-scene from “Reflections”
-What does the future look like for digital-minded campaigns based on moving images?
We’re pushing the bar. A few other brands are pushing the bar. But it’s just the beginning. In four or five years, people are going to do amazing things digitally. I’m sure we’re going to see people doing really creative stuff in the near future. This moving image moment reminds me of when MTV started. When you had the first videos it was like, “Oh this is cool. Oh my god there’s five girls on camera. Oh my god, they’re dancing.” And then on and on. Then music videos became incredibly produced and visual commentaries of the time. I think this will happen with fashion and film; brands and I think everyone involved will take it up a notch every season.
-Evolution of digital technology is inevitable. What do you think is the challenge to us?
Constantly adapting to the ever changing technology and digital landscape can be difficult—but these types of challenges that keep you on your toes creatively as well. When you have to adapt, it forces you to think in new way, come up with new solutions. And that works both ways. We have often gone to companies like Facebook or Instagram, asking them to consider new technologies which will allow different modes of storytelling; new ways for people to experience our brands. Sometimes the message adapts to the medium—sometimes the medium adapts to the message. Both are an opportunity for creativity.

Behind-the-scene from “Reflections”
-What inspires you in your daily life?
I find inspiration in everything around me—it could be anything. Nature, or something as simple as the sky, or the way the wind blows into the trees… even simply listening to the sounds around you. The mundane details of your daily life can be the source for incredible beauty, to the creative mind. If you learn to pay attention to your surroundings—and I mean really pay attention—you come to realize that everything can become inspirational. Everything. It’s a skill, teaching your eyes to observe in a new way, learning to let go in your mind, and allow your imagination to flourish.
-What do you think makes a great art director?
A great art director should be a maker. Someone that has an opinion on everything—a precise point of view that can be applied to different mediums with the same clarity. Because ultimately the art director is a problem-solver, and should be able to use his or her knowledge to adapt the vision to any medium. That takes expertise, and an open mind—the more you know, the more you learn. And the more you learn, the better you’re able to resolve problems. Of course, let’s not forget that good taste is essential too.
Founder and Chief Creative Officer Baron & Baron
One of the world’s most sought-after creative minds. For over three decades, Fabien Baron has been driving the industry forward with fresh thinking and iconic creative for some of the world’s most celebrated fashion and luxury brands.As a Parisian-born New Yorker, his unique blend of French and American sensibilities can be seen in work that is consistently elevated and ahead of the curve.
HP:Baron & Baron baron-baron.com
Bottega Veneta www.bottegaveneta.com