Quality, timeless and innovation are the fundamental philosophy of The Fashion Post, a Tokyo based independent digital fashion media. We curate daily fashion, beauty and culture feeds, and create the original editorials, portrayed in the digital era, and portraits, interviews from the authorities of different culture in the creative industry.
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MODE 2024to be held in Tokyo実験音楽の祭典「MODE 2024」が開催。インキャパシタンツを始めとする計8組が東京に集結
new experimental music festival"mode"debuted in tokyo国境を越えて、実験音楽の魅力を再発見/交流をはかる音楽フェスティバル「MODE」が都内5会場で開催
INTERDIFFUSION A tribute toYoshi Wadato be hold in yomanashiドローン音楽のパイオニア、ヨシ・ワダのトリビュートコンサートが開催へ
lemairewith FUJI|||||||||||TAルメールを着る人。 vol.3 FUJI|||||||||||TA